I never took bribe in all my years as comptroller of Immigration – Akindoye Akinyemi
A former comptroller of Immigration, Akindoye Akinyemi, 79, tells ’NONYE BEN-NWANKWO about his life experiences
So many people may not know that you are closer to 80 than 70, what is the secret of your agile looks?

Did you become a strong Christian because your father was one?
My father had a very strong influence
over me in every way. The time my father took Christianity to our area
was the dark ages. His parents even wanted to poison him because they
thought he was a betrayer. He even lived in the forest for three days.
But he and three others brought the Methodist church to our home town. I
have a heritage. You will offend me if you stand on my way with God. My
father told me that the only thing that will always make God to be
close to you is for you to behave right. You can never take what doesn’t
belong to you. He raised us to be diligent and to be honest.
Was your father so rich that he could afford to send you to school back then?
Yes. He had a big cocoa plantation. He
had five wives. But the wives were the people he used in the farm.
There were no labourers. He was a hard worker. The plantation was a
fortune, so he had money to pay for our education. But our mothers took
care of our food and uniform.
You went to work at the Federal Ministry of Transport after your secondary school, how did you get the job?
I went to my sister in Kaba (Kogi
State). I was looking for a job and my sister told me she heard there
was a vacancy at Inland Waterways. I dressed up and went there and I met
one man. I didn’t know he was the head of the establishment then. He
asked me who I was, I told him. He asked me if I was a member of his
staff and I said I wasn’t. I told him I needed a job and he said I
should come to his office. That was how I started. I didn’t know
Oh yes. I never knew anybody. That is why I cannot take a dime from anybody to offer the person a job.
But during your time, teaching must have been fashionable then. How come you didn’t toe that path?
All my siblings were teachers and
reverends. I was the only person who opted not to teach. I just felt I
should do something different.
How did your journey to immigration start?
When I was working at the Ministry of
Transport, Inland Waterways now came to Lagos. All of us were brought to
Lagos. I had to start looking for a house. I was doing my work very
well. I was posted to the classified registry. It was there that I read
in our gazette of a vacancy at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for
immigration officers. My rank then qualified me to apply for the job and
I applied. I went for the interview and I was taken. That was how I
became an immigration officer.
How was life as an immigration officer?
Immigration became all I knew. When I
slept, it was immigration. I was the first in many things during my
service years. I introduced fellowship in Minna. It was a taboo then.
The emir liked me. There was a time I went to him; I had 19 vacancies to
fill as a comptroller. I told him that if he didn’t give me eight women
out of the 19 to fill up the slots, I would return the slots to
headquarters. I knew I couldn’t do that but he didn’t know. He and his
chiefs sat and talked about it. Eventually, I went back to him after a
couple of years and he thanked me for bringing light to their community.
He said they had agreed that females should work. All the female staff I
had then were from Gboko. The people of Minna never allowed their
females to work. They would always put them in the family way
immediately they finished their Standard Six. But God broke that jinx.
How did you feel when you rose to become a comptroller?
Comptroller is the peak of the career.
It is either you make yourself a good example or a bad example when you
get to that level. There is so much power when you get to that level, in
fact, you are next to God. There is nothing you cannot do. But if you
are not disciplined, you will be destroyed. In Minna, I never drank,
smoked or chased women. I never stepped into the officers’ mess for once
in my three and half years as a comptroller. I experienced a lot of
strange things while I was there.
Things like?
There was a time one man brought three
fowls for me. They had tried to compromise me in many ways but they
couldn’t get me. The fowls looked very nice. I didn’t want to kill any
of them so I decided to keep them and feed them. I was living in a six
bedroomed apartment. I put the chickens in the boys’ quarters. The next
morning, I went to feed them, I saw only two.
So what happened to the other one?
Till today, I wouldn’t know. The doors
and windows were closed. I was the one that opened the door. I still
closed the door and went to work. By the time I came back, one of them
was just hitting itself on the floor. Eventually, the fowl died. The
last one started crying like a human being. I had never experienced such
in my life before. What if I had killed and eaten those fowls? I never
slept in Minna during the weekend; I would always come back to my
family in Lagos unless I had something to do in the city. People didn’t
like my style and they wanted me killed. But God saved me.
But it is generally perceived that men in uniform are usually corrupt, weren’t you tempted to take bribes?
I was very disciplined. I found out that
when you bribed me, you would have automatically turned me into a
robot. You would have taken over my thinking capacity. You would want me
to do your bidding. I wasn’t trained for that! No! I was trained to be a
professional. I am sure I never asked anybody for a dime. If you come
to bribe me, I would certainly spoil that job for you. I spent six years
as a comptroller. I pray a lot. I wouldn’t want to spoil my Christian
life. Why would I want to spoil my relationship with God? God helped me
to overcome everything.
You retired voluntarily two years before your retirement age, why?
God asked me to. It was on a Tuesday at
9am. I had just established the medical service for our immigration
officers. I found out that most of our officers were corrupt because
they either had sick children or their wives were sick and the doctor
would ask them for money before he could treat them. So I decided I
wasn’t going to ask these officers not to be corrupt. I decided to
provide medical service for them. I had a doctor and three nurses in our
clinic. I used to ask for drugs from multinational companies and they
were giving us free of charge. So at 9am that Tuesday morning in 1998, I
still had two more years to go. But God just told me I was fulfilled in
this office. And I told God I didn’t want to go anywhere else. I
reminded Him I just came from Minna back to Lagos and I would love to
retire in Lagos. I thought He was telling me it was time I moved to
another state. But 45 minutes again, the voice came again and was more
specific. The voice told me I was fulfilled in immigration service. I
just opened my drawer and tendered a letter of voluntary retirement. How
could a comptroller of immigration just resign? It was new! But I knew
it was God that told me to resign and He had never failed me. It wasn’t
even as if I was ready to retire. But there is a testimony. Six months
after I had resigned, (Olusegun) Obasanjo had become the president and
then, everybody from my rank upwards was removed and they heard about
their retirement on the national television. They didn’t send letters to
them. I would have been one of them. So that is why I always do what
God wants me to do.
But you must have told your wife before you retired…
She thought I was mad. She asked me if I
had asked God before resigning. I told her it was God that asked me to
resign. Would I have told my children that in my career, I was forced to
retire by the government? Some of those people who were retired are
still suffering today.
You recently lost your wife…
Yes, she passed on few months ago.
There was a time she had an accident and we treated her for 13 months.
The doctor came eventually and said he would have to amputate her leg. I
told him to discharge her. I was angry. That same day, the Holy Spirit
told my daughter to send a ticket to my wife. The leg they would have
amputated took only two weeks to heal in America. Later, she was
diagnosed with cancer. We didn’t know she had a lump in her breast. It
looked like a rash. It was later we discovered it was cancer. She
eventually went back to the US for treatment and she came back. The
stuff grew again and she went back to the US. On May 2, 2016, the doctor
told me that she had four hours to live. I smiled and told him that
where their medicine failed would be where God would take over from. I
took her home. The person they said would live for four hours lived for
four extra days. The fourth day, she greeted and thanked everybody and
she went into deep sleep. She slept like a baby. I was happy. I felt she
was getting better. I decided to use that opportunity to bathe and
brush my teeth. I was still brushing my teeth when my son ran to me and
was screaming. Before I came down, she was gone. When it finally dawned
on me she was dead, I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t eat or sleep. The
children would make food and I would flush it in the toilet because I
didn’t want them to find out that I hadn’t touched my food. On the third
day, something just told me to pick up my bible. A passage came to my
mind, I opened it and it read that in everything, we should give thanks.
I was asked to open to another passage which read that in everything,
we are more than conquerors through Christ that strengthens us. Another
passage came with a strong warning and it read that if I didn’t thank
and praise Him, I would not see His love. I had to surrender. That was
how I was able to manage the situation. From that day, I could eat,
sleep and do everything. When they tell you that some men usually die
immediately after they lose their wives, it is true. Some men find it
difficult to cope. God loves me so much and decided to save me.
How did you meet your wife?
She came to look for visa to America. I
was already an immigration officer. I asked her to come at 11am and she
was there at the exact time. It captivated me. It is very rare for
people to keep to time in Nigeria. Everything about her impressed me. At
our third or fourth meeting, I still hadn’t given her the visa. Getting
her a visa was not a big deal to me but I just didn’t want her to get
it. I eventually told her I wanted to marry her and she agreed. We were
married for 33 years. She was wonderful. When she wasn’t at home, the
house would be empty. She was a great disciplinarian. She loved people a
lot and she worked very hard.
But are you fulfilled doing what you are doing at the moment?
I am so fulfilled. You have to put all
your strength in everything you do. But I have never felt this way
before. I run this vision with so much passion. God just singled me out
to do this job. He looked at all the people my age and decided to choose
So how did you start this NGO, Akindoye Akinyemi Foundation?
I was going to be 70 in 2007. But before
then, I was taught in my church that you can ask God questions. So I
decided to ask God questions before that birthday. I asked God what he
wanted me to do after 70 years. I knew God sent Abraham out when he was
70 and that was when he became known and prosperous. So I asked Him
again what He wanted me to do. He didn’t answer me the first day. The
second day, I couldn’t eat or drink. I was restless. But at 2.30am on
the third day, He said He was satisfied with my service but from now, I
should serve Him and humanity in the areas of the widows, their
children, the elderly and the needy. I woke my wife up and told her what
God just told me. The following morning, I dressed up and went to
Cannan Land, my church. I was so enthralled that I had a new job in my
hand. As at 2007, I can modestly tell you I was making more than N5m a
year in my immigration consultancy job. I was making money. But when
this project from God came, I was so excited. I didn’t know how to
start; I eventually started with 15 widows. Since then, I have not
looked back.
You mean you stopped that consultancy to face the NGO?
I did. There was no way I could do the
two. God didn’t ask me to do the two. Since then, I have never lacked, I
have never begged. I have never failed to pay members of my staff every
So what do you do for the widows?
During my 70th birthday, I had told my
children, fans and friends that they shouldn’t give me any gift item but
they should convert the gifts to money. I opened an account for that.
That birthday brought so much money. We had enough and I had to also
include my own resources. We first started by giving the widows N25, 000
each. We did that for about two years. But then, I remembered during
one of our meetings, one the widows came to share a testimony. She said
the money helped her in a long way when she was burying her mother. It
was a testimony to her but to me, it was disheartening. We had given her
that money for her to get herself settled. Anyway, we had to stop
giving them money; we decided to be training them. Why give them fish
when we can teach them how to fish? So we started teaching them how to
make soap, beads, hats and bags. A widow tells us the area she has
interest and we see how we can help her. We have empowered over 1800
widows. We have never asked any of them to pay any money and the
foundation is open to all widows irrespective of religion or tribe or
So how do you get the funds you use in empowering these widows?
He that sent me to do this has been
providing. Somebody from nowhere would always help out. There was a time
our grand patron, Bishop (David) Oyedepo gave us N1m. He has done that
more than once.
We heard you received an award recently?
Oh yes. The National Youth Association of Nigeria gave me an award for an Outstanding and a Well-done Accomplishment. I fear this God o. He can make anything happen at any time.